

An obsel is created by a POST query to a StoredTrace. It must have the following properties:

Optionally, it may have the following properties:

Specifying temporal bounds

If the trace’s origin is opaque:

  • hasBegin must be specified;
  • hasBeginDT and hasEndDT must not used;
  • if hasEnd is not specified, the obsel will be considered to end at the same timestamp as its begin.

Otherwise, the trace’s origin is a timestamp:

  • if neither hasBegin nor hasBeginDT is specified, the obsel will be considered to begin at the current time;
  • if neither hasEnd nor hasEndDT is specified, the obsel will be considered to end at the same timestamp as its begin.


Return the description of this obsel.


Deletes this obsel from the trace. Note that this is a non-monotonic change.

NB: any other modification to an obsel is made through an amendment (PUT) of the whole obsel collection.