I provide an implementation of the Abstract KTBS API.

This implementation is defined as a set of mix-in classes that rely on the uniform interface of rdfrest.cores.ICore. This allows to use those classes in different ways:

  • as local instances (for a standalone kTBS embeded in one’s application),
  • as an HTTP client to a remote kTBS,
  • or even as a client through any protocol implemented on top of rdfrest.

Extensions to the abstract API

I implement the following extensions to the default Abstract KTBS API.

Extensions suggested by the abstract API

  • read-only or read-write properties corresponding to get/set methods
  • read-only properties corresponding to list methods
  • iter methods corresponding to list methods

Note also that those adaptations are automatically generated by the extend_api() class decorator.

Specific extensions for function parameters

  • Anytime a kTBS element is expected, passing a URI should also work (including a URI relative to the target object). For example, the ‘model’ argument of create_stored_trace() can be a URI (as a unicode or an URIRef) rather than an instance of TraceModel.
  • Datetimes can be used instead of integers for representing timecodes in traces when the trace model and origin allow the conversion.

Specific extensions for creation methods

  • The id parameter is specified in the Abstract KTBS API in all creation methods: it is often optional but can be used to set the URI of the resource to create (else, the KTBS will generate a URI). If provided, it must of course be an acceptable URI (not already in use, and subordinated to the parent’s URI). As specified by the Abstract KTBS API, id can be provided as character string, representing a URI either absolute or relative to the parent’s URI. The Python implementation also accepts a rdflib.URIRef or any object with a uri attribute returning a URIRef.
  • Creation methods also accept an additional parameter graph where the user can specify arbitrary properties for the resource to create. This assumes that the resource can be identified in the graph, which is trivial is id is provided. However, if the user wants to provide a graph but also wants to let the KTBS mint a URI for the created resource, they can use a blank node) to represent the resource in graph, and pass it to id.

Resource API

KtbsRoot API

Base API

TraceModel API

Trace API

Obsel API

Method API

BuiltinMethod API

TraceObsels API